Alchemical Truths in The Universe


The path is narrow. The path is straight. Few there be that find it. By humbling ourselves, like a camel on her knees, crawling through the eye of the needle, we find our salvation in and through Jesus Christ, the Universal Alchemist, who transmuted the energy of this earth. He changed water to wine. He walked on Water. He lifted our human race out of the great sin, gave us the great truths, and took upon Himself our deaths. 
St. Germain teaches us to become like Jesus Christ, literally. In his treaty, he describes the power of personally saying “I am.” Which is what Jesus taught. 

When we embody the energy of Jesus, we do only what he taught, what he did. While Jesus was here, he said he does nothing, but what his Father did. Thus when we take on the persona, not of exalted or holier nature, but of humble and service oriented nature, we combine our souls with the universal creator. 

Try it, say internally now, “I am the resurrection and the life.” Christ is an internal Entity within me, who I embody when I love and live as He did. He is within all of us, because of who he is. His makeup of all our worldly creations is constituted within all of the fabrics of our cellular, genetic, and atomic structure.  Thus we embody him at all times and all places, when we chose to. The gift of grace us not an external factor we must fight and pray for. It is an internal gift already inside of us, waiting for us to unlock it simply by receiving it as the it was intended. 

It is actually what Jesus intends for us. He said, “greater things than me will you do also”
I take this literally. I believe I am doing this now, as I write this.
Jesus lives in every cell in our body, because the Father lived in every cell in his body. We are all connected through creation. We embody our maker. Thus, alchemy is the fusion of our soul with our creators soul. We do this with love. We do this with nature. We do this with faith.


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